
In the first phase, the Institute of Greek Music Heritage catalogues archives and collections of public and private institutions (foundations, universities, museums, libraries, special platforms, etc.) that have musical documents of any form, concerning music as an art and as a science, from all contemporary and past musical works and from all musical genres. These documents relate to:

•           scores (printed or electronic)

•           digitized files

•           books, e-books, albums

•           biographies of composers, performers, songwriters

•           worklists of composers, artists and researchers

•           discographies

•           photographic material

•           daily and periodical press

•           audiovisual material from concerts, recordings

•           doctoral dissertations, treatises, articles

•           primary and secondary musical material from field ethnographic studies etc.


In this way, a supervisory register of institutions, archives, collections, institutions and artists is created for all interested parties, in a user-friendly, freely accessible archival database, with complete and aggregated data on the content of the archives or collections, on the genres and subcategories of musical genres, on the authors, together with the websites and contact details of the institutions.


In a second phase, and if requested by the institution, the Institute may finance the digitization of the printed material or the upgrading from analogue to digital technology of part and/or the entire music archive or collection.


In this way, the Institute acts as a channel of communication among institutions - society - scientific community, highlighting the institutions, archives, museums and any other entity that possesses documents on our musical culture, and promotes the musical heritage of Greece at the national and international level, while preserving this musical heritage from physical deterioration and any other losses.

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• Archive of Alexandroupolis Music Society

• Archive of the Hellenic Centre for Art and Culture

Archives of the Research Centre for Greek Singing 

Folklore Archive, Laboratory of Folklore and Social Anthropology, School of Classics and Humanities, of the Democritus University of Thrace

Georgios Amargianakis Archive, Laboratory of Theatre, Film and Music, Department of Philology, University of Crete

Hellenic Music Archive/ Lillian Voudouri Music Library - The Friends of Music Society

Jazz Library

Music Archive of the Greek Radio & Television Broadcasting (ERT) Corfu

Music, Folklore and Literature Archive of Simon and Aggeliki Karas, Centre for Research and Promotion of National Greek Music

Pantelis Kavakopoulos Archive

Pontian Music Archive